Monday 27 June 2016

'Evil' Steps!

Hi people! I have been talking on how to handle broken home situations and I want to talk about one very important aspect which is 'step' relations. Parents can decide to re-marry after a divorce or even death of the other spouse and as the children we feel that the new spouse is coming to take over the place your mother or father once occupied. It can be really hurtful as we watch our parents transfer the love they once had for their spouse to another person.

So lets make a basic affirmation, no one can be like your real mother or father. This is because no two people are exactly the same. In as much as this holds true, you should give your step mother or father a chance to be the parents they can be. We already have a preconceived idea that step mothers and fathers are wicked and uncaring. So we have this set mind that nothing our step parents do is enough or we just despise them irrespective of their efforts.

What fairy tales tell us about evil step mothers is not always the case.
I must say that not all of them are the best but you need to know that you should respect your parent's decision of remarriage. It is usually a big step for them and they really are interested in what you feel. Look at it like this, some day you will go to college, get married and all that, your mother or father would crave company. Loneliness is very terrible. No one can take the place of your biological parents but some try to be the best as they can be.

Fairy tales tell us about evil step mothers but in real life situations it is not always the case. Don't make your new step mother/father uncomfortable by being horrible and grumpy. Remember what we said about loving all the way. Give them the opportunity to know you better and understand that change is not always a bad thing. Do well to pray for them and especially about the choices your parent may make about remarriage. Ask God to lead them. Whatever you observe that makes you feel uncomfortable, try talking it over with your biological parent with wisdom.

In my subsequent posts, I will talk a bit more on handling the not so good steps. Please, life isn't always about you. Learn to think about others like your parent's happiness is something you should consider too...
God bless you!

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